BEFORE: Patient chipped the corner of her left front tooth. She also didn't like the old composite on her right front tooth because it appeared dull and had a matte-like finish.
AFTER: We replaced the dull composite on the right tooth with a new material that polishes better and added composite to her left tooth to rebuild the corner to match the other tooth.
Patient Photos Depicting:
Note: Patients depicted in photos have provided their consent to display their pictures online. Results may vary.
BEFORE: Patient had chipped the edge of her right front tooth and didn't like how it looked.
AFTER: Without getting her numb we bonded the corner of her tooth to match the other tooth.
Patient Photos Depicting:
Note: Patients depicted in photos have provided their consent to display their pictures online. Results may vary.
BEFORE: Patient jumped from a slide and hit her mouth breaking her right front tooth.
AFTER: With this case we not only bonded a composite to replace the missing piece of tooth but had to characterize it more to make it look like the other tooth. In this case we had to give it more texture as well as the whitish marks on the surface.
Patient Photos Depicting:
Note: Patients depicted in photos have provided their consent to display their pictures online. Results may vary.
BEFORE: This patient came to us with a "chipped" right front tooth.
AFTER: We carefully matched every detail of her teeth to make the composite blend into her tooth.
Patient Photos Depicting:
Note: Patients depicted in photos have provided their consent to display their pictures online. Results may vary.
BEFORE: This young man was hit in the mouth and fractured his front tooth.
AFTER: We carefully rebuilt the tooth with composite bonding to look like the adjacent tooth.
Patient Photos Depicting:
Note: Patients depicted in photos have provided their consent to display their pictures online. Results may vary.